Exploring and harnessing the association between processing, structure, properties, and performance by combining multiscale experimental characterization and computational predictive modeling with machine learning offers the only practical path forward in the development of novel design framework for multifunctional structures suitable for extreme environments.

Dr. Anirban Naskar (IITH)
Dr. Piyush Jagtap (IITR)
Dr. Prabhat Kumar (IITH)
Dr. Prashant Rawat (IITM)
Dr. David Kumar (IITM)
Dr. Prakhar Gupta (IITH)
Dr. Sachidananda Behera (IITH)
Dr. Thulsiram G (IITH)
Dr. Ankush Kumar Jaiswal (IITH)
Dr. Syed Nizamuddin Khaderi (IITH)
Sponsered Projects
Title: Development of design/analysis criterion for aerospace structures subjected to shock loads of varying intensities and duration
Investigator: Chandra Prakash (Principal Investigator) and Prakhar Gupta (Co-PI)
Funding agency: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO-RESPOND)
Duration: 2024 to 2026 (2 years)
Budget: Rs. 27, 25, 032/-
Title: Experimentally Validated Computational Design Framework of a Multi-Material, Multi-layered Sandwich Panel for Impact Energy Absorption and Dissipation
Investigators: Chandra Prakash (Principal Investigator) and Prabhat Kumar (Co-PI)
Funding agency: Armaments Research Board (ARMREB)
Duration: 2024 to 2027 (3 years)
Budget: Rs. 82, 26, 816/-
Title: Damage modelling of machining induced damage in C-SiC composite
Investigators: Chandra Prakash (Principal Investigator) and Anirban Naskar (co-PI)
Funding agency: Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL)
Duration: 2024 to 2027 (3 years)
Budget: Rs. 39,95,037/-
Title: Experimentally validated multi-scale modelling framework for grinding-induced subsurface deformation of Single Crystal Ni-based Superalloy (CMSX-4)
Investigators: Anirban Naskar (PI) and Chandra Prakash (Co-Principal Investigator)
Funding agency: Aeronautics Research & Development Board (AR&DB)
Duration: 2024 to 2027 (3 years)
Budget: Rs. 48, 24, 000/-
Title : Real-time, In-situ, Microscale Experimental Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour Characterization of Composite Material under Shock Loading
Investigators: Chandra Prakash (Principal Investigator)
Funding agency: Start-up Research Grant from Science & Engineering Research Board
Duration: 2024 to 2026 (2 years)
Budget: Rs. 29, 59, 290/-
Title : Development of a Real-time, In-situ Microscale Experimental Chemo-Thermo-Mechanical
Characterization Facility
Investigators: Chandra Prakash (Principal Investigator)
Funding agency: Seed Grant, IIT Hyderabad
Duration: 2023 to 2025 (2 years)
Budget: Rs. 25, 00, 000/-
Supported By